Instant One-Off Payments On Salesforce

Settle bills fast with instant one-off payments

Initiate and collect payments from the heart of any Salesforce-led business process.

Collect against opportunities, billing documents, support tickets, and more.

Graphic showing multiple ways to pay like bank transfer, card payment, direct debit, Apple Pay Google Pay etc

Instant payments on Salesforce

Live chat showing customer service agent providing customer with a paylink and QR code

Add instant one-off payments to your repertoire

If you’re a recurring payments business that uses Salesforce, collecting one-off payments can be challenging, and few options are optimized for customer experience.

With Asperato, your customers can pay you in a few clicks.

Share paylinks, QR codes and virtual terminals

Choose the one-off payment method that works best for your customers. 

With shareable payment links and QR codes, you can receive payments from any channel your customers are using, such as email, social media, chatbots or direct messages.

Virtual terminals act as digital card processors, enabling you to take card payments over the telephone and online.

Faster settlements with instant one-off payments

upward graph in a green square